Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Still Exhausted

We wandered back to the front desk after eating breakfast. We were still shuffling hollow-eyed things, but we weren't hungry zombies anyway.

Our room still wasn't ready. Sigh.

We hung around in the office where there was airconditioning, and so we could at least dry off the sticky sweat. They had wifi, and I soon got my netbook connected.

Dive orientation would be at 9AM. The dive instructor to do the orientation wanted us to postpone it - Holland was mid-match in the World Cup and he was sitting at the bar watching it. Hope that our room would be soon available sprung eternal though, so we declined. Since the orientation would be taking place nearby to the TV at the bar, he could still see the replays if anything big happened. No, we aren't football fans. :) He was gracious about it.

Dive orientation over (with a couple of World Cup interruptions, but not too distracting), we again wandered over to the front desk. Our room was still not ready, and our strength and stamina was fading fast. We plonked down in the chairs in the office once again and waited.

"Soon!" the girl at the front desk said.

We joked with her, and asked after people we knew, and passed the time.

Finally, the room was ready. We dragged our luggage out of the back room and headed over.

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