Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Posse

There's a group of us at the barn who hang out together. We're women of a certain age. We don't have show ring aspirations; we're content to ride and to hang around and shoot the breeze. What we have in common is a love for our horses, despite their imperfections.

When we first started hanging out together, we jokingly referred to ourselves as "The Pussy Posse". That's been shortened to "The Posse" with a little nudge-and-wink look, the naughtiness unsaid but implied. We crack ourselves up.

Some of us have never really had girl friends before - for myself, I always was more of a guy friend gal. :) Women were too bitchy, too backstabbing - not to be trusted. Men could be untrustworthy too, of course... but you almost always knew where you stood with them.

So it was guy pals for me; guys and my horse. Horses, when Tico came into the picture. Hmmm, they're both guys...well, minus a couple of parts...

When I moved my boys to their current abode in Dunstable, Crystal Farm, it was really the first time I had them somewhere where there were friendly, adult women - some even nearly as old as I am. I started to realize that, at the very least, there were HORSE women who were cool.

Soon after, the Posse was born.

Here are some of us... Linda and Avita, the cutest little chestnut Morgan mare you'll ever see, are missing . )c:

Elaine and Rascal, Dorothy and Pongo, Suzanne and River, and myself and himself.

We ride together every weekend, if we manage to all show up at the same time. If we don't, it's not a big deal. We know we're there for each other: we share our family issues, work issues, concerns about our horses and worries about life in general. We're all smart, opinionated ladies and we share our opinions. We worry about each other.

It's a nice thing.

Some of the Posse got together last night and shared a PuPu Platter and had yummy Chinese Restaurant-style libations. We ate, drank, and laughed our asses off.

Some of us couldn't make it: family obligations, or too tired after a stressful week at work. They were missed, but spoken of fondly.

Women can be cool. Who knew?

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