Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh Crap.

It turns out I wasn't as lucky as I'd thought when I invented the Superman dismount.

I cracked/broke an eyetooth that's part of a three point bridge - with a front tooth.

It happened that I'd been at the periodontist that morning, and was seeing the dentist two days later: I'm in the early stages of getting an implant for ANOTHER broken cap.

I'm pretty hard on my teeth.

I mentioned to the dentist that the bridge seemed a bit loose. He agreed, but hoped I'd just jarred the tooth a bit loose and that it would get better with time. However, he had his doubts and called the periodontist; I was back in seeing him a few days later.

He saw the crack, and sent me yet again back to the dentist... who agreed there's a crack, but can't tell how bad it is. Now I have an appointment next week where he'll attempt to remove the bridge to assess the damage, while trying not to do any further damage to either of the anchor teeth (the other one is loose, probably not being helped by being moved when the broken side moves).

He doesn't think it is going to go well. Sigh.

I'm looking forward to a few weeks of being a complete hillbilly hermit. Oh boy.

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