Saturday, June 20, 2015

I Just Had to Share

It was a good lesson, and a nice bareback ride on Tico afterwards out in the back field, where he saw a turkey and *didn't* over-react. More geese families were seen as well.

But this was the highlight of the day Silly Cinch:
To explain. I was bent over next to him picking out his hoof, when I heard "pop-pop-pop-pop-pop!" behind me. This was happening. My phone was in my back pocket. The rest is history.

Here are some of the geesies. I didn't get the cutest ones because I was riding bareback and didn't trust Tico to not decide to bolt:  two adults, the first one waddling over across a dirt road to the pond, right in front of us. It was followed by about 5 little fluffy babies. The other adult was still in the tall grass - we could see it's head and neck and part of it's body - but was just standing there... until the grass started rustling, and little gray heads popped up and out onto the dirt road, one by one...

You can actually see the dark heads of the other family we ran into on the other side of the pond, in front of the front-loader.

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